Thomas Swift Productions

The sequel...

September 21, 2012
Since Playmobil's manufacturer - Geobra Brandstatter put an end to The Green Man being a commercial venture back in February,  the sequel - "The Doomsday Tablet" has had to be put on hold.

The manufacturer however kindly approved continued publication and production of my comics on a non-commercial basis (and have supported me in my bid to make the The Green Man freely available on Facebook and in their forthcoming fan website).

It's mainly a question of finance - not only in terms of buying large quantities of Playmobil and upgrading my photographic and IT equipment, but of helping to support my family during the many months such a book takes to produce.

The sequel however is fully scripted and sketched, and rather than just permanently putting it on hold Thomas's adventures will continue in a non-visual medium, as a series of children's fiction books: not something I ever expected to do, but which I'm finding an enjoyable challenge... and probably not that unexpected considering my background.  (It's extremely practical - I can pick up the writing whenever I like and there are no costs but time!  I hope to complete the first book within 6 months - video editing permitting!, and I will then do the publishing rounds, while probably writing the second.

Does this mean an end to future Playmobil comics?  Hopefully not.  You never know, but promotion of The Green Man alone is not enough to make this dream come true and my creative juices are urging me on.  Converting The Green Man into a video has kept me going, but it's now time to move forward and bring the sequels into existence.

Unfortunately this means non-English speaking fans of Thomas Swift may have a long wait to read further adventures, but I hope in the meantime you'll continue supporting it by sharing, linking  and generally spreading the word about "The Green Man" to your family and friends, especially to children, and in any Playmobil communities you belong to :)

This website will continue to focus on my Playmobil activities.


Chapter 7 now available!

September 17, 2012
Read Chapter 7 here

(in English, French, German and Spanish)

With many thanks again to Daniel for translating it into Spanish :)

Alternative Videos now available!

September 10, 2012
YouTube ssues have now been overcome and German and US residents having trouble seeing particular videos can now find alternative links on the "Read the Green Man" pages! 

Work is progressing quickly on Chapter 7 and it should be available by the end of the week (with thanks again to Dany for his hard work translating the text into Spanish)!

(Chapters effected:-
The Green Man - Chapter 1
El Hombre de Verde - Capitulo 1
The Green Man - Chapter 6
Der Grune Mann - Chapter 6)

Der Grüne Mann - Kapitel 6!

September 3, 2012
Finally - you can now view "Der Grüne Mann" Kapitel 6 on my Facebook page:- 

Hopefully I'll be able to embed the video (via imageshack) on the website in the next day or so.

Apologies to German readers for the delay.

Viewing Chapter 1 in Germany and the USA

September 2, 2012
Unfortunately music copyright issues have now hit the English and Spanish versions of Chapter 1 on YouTube: they are now not viewable in Germany or the USA, which makes it hard to follow the story!  I am trying various things to remedy the situation, and the videos (including the German version of Chapter 6) should be available to view on Facebook.  Unfortunately I cannot embed the videos direct to this website due to the technical limitations of Yola.

Viewers outside Germany and the USA should have no problems. While a solution is found, German residents can still read Chapter 1 in German and Chapters 2-5 in all other languages.  USA residents can read Chapters 2 to 6 in any language they like!  I am sorry it is so complicated - please bear with me!!!


Progress on YouTube...

August 24, 2012
Apologies - the Summer holidays have delayed work on the German version of Chapter 6 and on Chapter 7.  Normal service should be resumed in September! :D

Chapter 6 Progress

July 16, 2012
The English, French and Spanish versions are available, but unfortunately "Der Grune Mann" is still held up while I record an alternative sound track.   Copyright means people living in Germany cannot view the existing videos on YouTube.

News on Chapter 6...

June 27, 2012
Despite completing Chapter 6 of the English Version of "The Green Man", publication is unfortunately delayed.  Copyright problems with a film soundtrack, which would mean nobody in Germany could read the chapter, means working on an alternative.  I've solicited the help of some of my offspring to try and resolve things within the next week or so.

Apologies for anyone impatient for the next chapter.  In a way Chapter 6 is the heart of the book.  Thomas and Clare get down to solving the mystery, and events take a turn for the worse...

Apologies also to Daniel who worked hard on getting the Spanish translation to me quickly, only for things to be delayed.

Chapter 5 just published!

June 14, 2012

Read Chapter 5 here

(in English, French, German and Spanish)

With many thanks again to Daniel for translating it into Spanish :)


Additions to the Odds and Ends photo Gallery

June 9, 2012
In anticipation of Chapter 5 of the YouTube version of "The Green Man", I've added a whole lot of photos to the "Odds and Ends" gallery, showing some of the sets and details.

 Click on the entries to leave comments!

About Me

Author of "The Green Man" Married with 3 grown up children. Currently under lock down, thinking about my next writing or Playmobil project

Nick Foulger and The Green Man

The Green Man is my children's comic made with photos of the toy Playmobil, recounting the time-travelling adventures of Professor Thomas Swift.

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Posted 562 weeks ago
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Posted 562 weeks ago
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Posted 562 weeks ago
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Posted 562 weeks ago
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Posted 562 weeks ago

A photographic comic book for the whole family - in 9 video chapters -

You can also read it as an ebook

Both video and ebooks are available in English, French, German and Spanish.

Posted 613 weeks ago
<p>Logjam !</p>

Logjam !

Posted 613 weeks ago

A photographic comic book for the whole family - in 9 video chapters -

You can also read it as an ebook

Both video and ebooks are available in English, French, German and Spanish.

Posted 615 weeks ago
<p>Read The Green Man comic here in English, French, German and Spanish  - <a href=""></a></p>

Read The Green Man comic here in English, French, German and Spanish  -

Posted 615 weeks ago
